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"The Horse Less Traveled"


Welcome everyone to my very first BLOG!!!

This is a HORSE Blog, Horse talk only....

Let's start by me explaining why I chose the name "The Horse Less Traveled". I always went

against convention & tradition. Not just with Horses but with everything, I took the different route.

In the Horse world I questioned everything, being raised with horses I observed them a lot and spent much time contemplating and learning from them.

Horses were my life; I was born into them (even in utero) and they continue to be my life.

So let's talk about the alternative way of thinking when it comes to horses....

Is it just English or Western Riding - no

Is it just Walk, Trot or Canter - no

Does every horse need grain - no

Can you only ride a horse in a saddle - no

Does every horse need its feet done every 8 weeks exactly - no

Do you have to ride every horse in a bit - no

Is every bad horse just a bad horse for no reason - no

You get the picture, right?

These are traditional ways of thinking, question everything people!!

Horses have suffered for years because some humans do NOT think out of the box!

I have Lived, I have Learned, I have Loved, and I have Lost - trust me I have earned the right to have these opinions.

Don't be so quick to judge, help people and by helping people that own horses you are helping the horses. The best way to help a horse is to educate the owners.

For example; Did you know that many, many Horses end up at slaughter just because they were in pain from bad fitting saddles? Think about it - pinching, painful saddle will cause them eventually to act out of pain. Biting, kicking, rearing, bucking ect ect most likely is the horse trying to tell you something! Did you buy your saddle because it was so beautiful or because it fit your horse and your purpose???

Ok, done ranting lol..... tell me what you all think - would love questions or feedback!


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